Thatcham NAG

Officially the Thatcham NAG has been defined as a ‘multi-agency problem-solving group consisting of relevant partner agencies, key stakeholders but most importantly members of the local community…brought together to plan and action the main concerns identified by the local community.’
Led by representatives of the Thames Valley Police, the Thacham NAG meets once every four to six weeks to tackle those issues highlighted as priorities in each area.

Who can get involved with the Thatcham NAG?

Your Neighbourhood Action Group is representative of the different communities in the Thatcham, including North, South and Central Thatcham residents and of course, your neighbourhood policing team. In particular those who are under-represented (such as young people and the disabled) are encouraged to join. Apart from a wide community representation, your Neighbourhood Action Group benefits from a broad range of skills and experience on the team: Administrative, organisational, practical and communications abilities are all valued highly.
People who represent others are also welcome. They bring a lot to a Neighbourhood Action Group – for example: a member of a Residents Association can put across the views of this organisation and will bring the added benefit of a group of a group of people able to help with doing some of the work.
New members are welcomed, but need to be agreed upon by existing members of the Neighbourhood Action Group. If you are interested in becoming a member then please contact us.
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