Useful Links

Thames Valley Police - Neighbourhood Team
Learn who your neighbourhood officers are and what the Police are doing to combat crime and anti-social behaviour in Speen, Shaw & Donnington.  Look up times and dates of Police surgeries.

Thames Valley Police 
Telephone contact details for emergencies

Crime Stoppers
If you need to report a crime anonymously visit these pages

Newbury Town Council
Visit NTC's website to learn more about your local Council's activities, who your local Councillors are, and read the latest Minutes

Speen Parish Council
Learn more about your local Council, who your local Councillors are, and read the latest Minutes 

Shaw-cum-Donnington Parish Council
Visit Shaw-cum-Donnington Parish Council's website to learn more about your area and the services on offer to you within the Parish

Sovereign Housing Association -
Visit Sovereign's website to learn more about Sovereign, how to become more involved, and how to report anti-social behavioiur if it concerns a Sovereign Housing tenant.   Sovereign Housing Association tenants can also find details on this website to notify the Association of any repairs that may need carrying out. 

West Berkshire Council - Streetcare & Cleaning
Visit these web pages if you need to dispose of unwanted items or to report fly-tipping

West Berkshire Council - Highways Maintenance
Report pot holes or any hazards to highway users, including obstructions to pavements

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