A Bit of Fun!

Falkland Memorial

history on our doorstep

Newbury was the site of two civil war battles.  The Falkland Memorial commemorates those who fell during the first battle of Newbury in 1643.  It was erected in 1878 and can be found at the junction of Essex Street and Andover Road. 

Why not take a walk to the memorial and read these pages while you enjoy the view.  The translations have been kindly provided by Newbury resident Dave Stubbs.

North side - facing the crossroads.  In English.

'In memory of those who, on 20th September 1643, fell fighting in the army of King Charles I, on the field of Newbury - and especially of Lucius Cary, Viscount Falkland, who died here in the 33rd year of his age'.

(Note - a crude attempt has been made to change the number three to a four as Viscount Falkland had passed his 33rd birthday and was in the 34th year of his age.  Quite hard to correct spelling mistakes in granite!)

East side - facing Andover Road.  In Latin.

'the sacrifice which they collectively made, was individually repaid to them; for they received again, each one for himself, a praise which grows not old and the noblest of all sepulchres.  I speak not of that in which their remains are laid, but of that in which their glory survives - for the whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men'.

(From the funeral oration of Pericles, written by Thucydides in his 'History of the Peloponnesian War' 390 BC).


West side - facing along Essex Street.  In Greek.

'War is just for those to whom it is necessary, and weapons are righteous for those to whom no hope is left, except in arms'. 

(Written by Livy AD 10).

South side - facing along Andover Road.  In English.

'The blood of man is well shed for our family, for our friends, for our God, for our country, for our King.  The rest is vanity, the rest is crime'.

(Edmud Burke 1780).


Great Tew in north Oxfordshire is where Falkland has his country estate and is where a moving memorial can be found to him on the church wall. 

The church register records his burial there, but the grave's location was kept a secret to avoid Parliamentarians from digging him up!

*  Information kindly supplied by Dave Stubbs






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